Article 1 definitions
Website: bmccbruges.com and all underlying pages.
User: visitors to the website.
Company: the authorized publisher of the web page vzw Beurs-, Meeting- en Congrescentrum
The following applies to our website. By using the website you agree with this disclaimer.
Vzw Beurs-, Meeting- en Congrescentrum regularly updates the content of the website. Despite these efforts, it is possible that the content of this website is incomplete or outdated.
Photos and architectural renderings remain the property of their creators and may not be used or distributed under copyright laws without their explicit permission.
Architectural renders © Meta Architectuurbureau
Photos on this site
©Jan Darthet
©Jan Dhondt
©Philippe van Gelooven
©Raf Michiels
If you believe that bmccbruges.com is using images of which you hold the copyright, please contact us via the contact form.
Vzw Beurs-, Meeting- en Congrescentrum in no way guarantees the accuracy or completeness of the information consulted on this website.
Vzw Beurs-, Meeting- en Congrescentrum cannot guarantee the security of our website and therefore cannot be held liable for any damage suffered directly or indirectly as a result of using our website.
The non-profit making organisation Beurs-, Meeting- en Congrescentrum is not responsible for any pages linked to external parties;
Vzw Beurs-, Meeting- en Congrescentrum provides information on its website without any guarantee or warranty. No rights may be derived in any way from the information provided on the website.
The non-profit making organisation Beurs-, Meeting- en Congrescentrum cannot be held responsible for any damage suffered as a result of using the information on our website.
Vzw Beurs-, Meeting- en Congrescentrum shall alter or terminate the website at its own discretion and at any time. vzw Beurs-, Meeting- en Congrescentrum cannot be held liable for the consequences of alterations to or the termination of its website.
The user is personally responsible for the use of all information provided on the website.