we have sustainability at heart


Organizing your event at the BMCC is a sustainable choice.

The BMCC is a nearly energy-neutral building (nZEB) thanks to its sustainable construction, the thoughtful choice of materials used,… The carpet is Cradle-to-Cradle Certified, which means that it meets stringent standards in terms of material health and that every material used for its production can be reused.

The building’s green roof provides a rainwater buffer, purifies the air, and regulates
the indoor temperature. Heat pumps and solar panels provide green energy, allowing you to charge your electric vehicle in the underground parking garage. Moreover, the products we order for your event all come from local suppliers.

Thanks to all these efforts, the BMCC was awarded with the Green Key label, the international sustainability label for event locations.

The BMCC aims to achieve ambitious climate goals, contributing to a climate-neutral and resilient Bruges.


To ensure sustainability, our 4 preferred BMCC caterers have signed a charter that commits them to responsible consumption and production patterns, for instance by not serving overfished fish and reducing their meet offerings. In addition, they prepare their dishes with seasonal, local, organic, eco-labelled and fair trade products..

The caterers also only use sustainable materials such as non-disposible plates, cups, cutlery etc.

Green energy

Heat pumps and solar panels provide green energy to the BMCC, allowing us to charge electric vehicles in the underground car park.

Moreover, the heating and cooling system uses geothermal or ‘earth’ heat (borehole energy storage or BES field), harnessing energy from the earth to cool and heat the building.

There are 642 solar panels on the roofs of both the conference area and the exhibition hall. These panels provide an annual saving of 38 tonnes of CO2 and a financial saving of about 7,585 euros. In addition, the remaining surface feature an extensive green rooftop garden with succulents, which contribute to a sustainable ecosystem.

disabled access

The BMCC is the first meeting venue in Flanders that was awarded with the M+-label  for being fully accessible for persons with disabilities.

affordable and sustainable energy

The BMCC is very progressive in the area of sustainable development.These techniques allow a quick response to changing occupancy and use. Both for the realisation, the building concept and the operation, the BMCC consciously and fully opted for an approach with the lowest possible ecological impact. To realise this, the project received a European subsidy within the Interreg Flanders-Netherlands programme TERTS (Transition in Energy via a Government Role in relation to the Tertiary Sector), as a model project for innovative techniques and measures.

Thanks to all the cutting-edge techniques used by the BMCC, CO2-emissions will remain limited.

Water buffering

The green roof of the BMCC buffers rain water. This water is given to the trees on the square and is used for the sanitary. Besides it being a free water source, it is also a sustainable way to be dealing with water. In the building there has been given enough thought about watersaving measure for the toilets, showers, faucets etc. This ensures that we deal with water in a durable and observant way.

Green key

In May 2023, the BMCC received the Green Key sustainability label for the first time. The BMCC is recognized for its efforts in the field of sustainable and responsible business practices.


In May 2023, we installed two hives on the BMCC’s green roof, housing no fewer than  100,000 bees. From July onwards, we will be able to enjoy our own BeeMCC honey. Bruges is the most important bee city in Flanders, which is why we at the BMCC also want to do our bit.

Bees play an essential role in nature, and we have to take good care of them. More info about the BeeMCC honey.


The Bruges Meeting and Convention Centre is easily accessible on foot, by bicycle, by public transport and by car. It is located in the very heart of Bruges within easy walking distance from hotels, turist sights and world famous museums.

waste management

The BMCC operates a waste separation system that complies with legal requirements. There are at least three waste fractions. The use of disposable crockery is not allowed. Dustbins for separate waste collection (paper/cardboard, glass, PMD and residual waste) are available in each room.

Exhibitors are asked to take away all their waste after a trade fair.

ideal location

You can easily reach the Bruges Meeting & Convention Centre on foot, by bicycle, by public transport and by car. The BMCC is located in the heart of the historic centre of Bruges, within walking distance of numerous hotels, historic attractions and world-famous museums.

Plan your visit
BMCC woon-werkverkeer trein openbaar vervoer bereikbaarheid

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